Monday, November 26, 2012

Chapter6: Graphics and PowerPoint with a Leadership Edge

Chapter6: Graphics and PowerPoint with a Leadership Edge

This chapter focus on when and how to use graphic in effectively. The author gives us some helpful tool guide to let us know how to make good presentation. When to use graphic there are following purpose we should know it. To reinforce the message, to provide a road map to the structure of a presentation, to illustrate relationships or concepts visually, to support an assertion, to emphasize important ideas, to maintain and enhance interest. The next thing is for data charts one thing is very important, you need to clarify your message and then you can determine the type and content of the graph. Creating meaningful effective text layouts. In here give us some guideline, do not use too many words on the slide, do not have only one bullet or sub-bullet as a category, keep the text simple but present meaningful content. Leaders focus specially on the content and design principles that should follow whenever creating data or text chart for leadership presentation: Conveying messages clearly, Selecting the most effective colors and fonts. Making the most of PowerPoint  as a design and presentation tool:  The primary focus is on effective slide design in PowerPoint with the goal of making slides look better so they communicate the content more effectively and provide the presenter leadership edge. There are some guidelines would help us to understand more clearly, selecting and designing layouts and templates, interesting graphs, using animation , and delivering effectively PowerPoint.


1. Top Ten Tips for Effectively Using Graphics and PowerPoint 

1. Decide on your message, determine what information or data best supports it, and then decide how best to show that data graphically.
2. Use graphics for the right reasons, such as to reinforce your message, to provide a roadmap of your presentation, to support assertions.
3. Select the right kind of graph to illustrate your message.
4. Use integrity in selecting and designing all graphics, making sure any graphs do not distort the data.
5. Keep your graphic simple. The graphic should make your message easier to understand, not more difficult; however, make sure it is meaningful and actually says something.
6. Use a title that captures the “so what” of your slide so that your audience sees immediately the message the graph is communicating.
7. Create your own PowerPoint template or modify the standard ones Microsoft provides so that the presentation reflects your personality or that of your company.
8. Make the font size and any graphic images large enough for the audience to see even from the back of the room. 
9. Be careful with your color selections; go for contrast but be conservative. 
10. Avoid overusing or misusing animation. 

2. How to creating meaningful and effective text layouts?

       Do not put too many words on the slides
       Do not have any one bullet as a category
       Use hanging indents more than one line
       Avoid widow words, Keep text simple but meaningful
       Make sure all bulleted items are parallel in structure.

3. What are the guidelines to use animation effectively?

       Use animation only to control the delivery of the message or help the audience with the message.
       Do not overuse animation or add it just because it is possible.
       When animation is used to bring in text or auto shapes, the text and shapes should appear or come in from the most logical direction and shortest distance.
       Avoid using several different animation techniques in one presentation.
       Make sure to test the animation by running the presentation in slide view from beginning to end.

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