Monday, November 26, 2012

Chapter 10: Multiple Parties and Teams

Two Situations that Involve Multiple Parties
         Multiple parties are negotiating with one another and attempting to achieve a collective or group consensus.
         Multiple individuals are present on each “side” of the negotiation
       The parties to a negotiation are teams against teams

The Nature of Multiparty Negotiations
Differences between two-party and multiparty negotiations:
         Number of parties
         Informational and computational complexity
         Social complexity
         Procedural complexity
         Strategic complexity
Managing Multiparty Negotiations
         The pre-negotiation stage
       Characterized by many informal contacts among the parties
         The formal negotiation stage
       Structures a group discussion to achieve an effective and endorsed result
         The agreement phase
       Parties select among the alternatives on the table
The Agreement Phase
         Select the best solution
         Develop an action plan
         Implement the action plan
         Evaluate outcomes and the process
Interterm Negotiations
         Integrative agreements more likely when teams are involved
         Teams are sometimes more competitive than individuals and may claim more value
         Accountability pressures are different for teams
         Relationship among team members affects negotiation process and outcomes


1. What is an effective group in multiparty negotiation?

Effective groups and their members:
1.     Test assumptions and inferences
2.     Share all relevant information
3.     Focus on interests, not positions
4.     Explain reasons behind statements
5.     Talk in specific terms and use examples
6.     Agree on what important words mean
7.     Disagree openly with any member of the group
8.     Make statements, then invite questions and comments
9.     Design ways to test disagreements and solutions
10. Discuss “undiscussable” issues
11. Keep discussions focused
12. Avoid taking cheap shots or distracting the group
13. Expect participation by all members in all phases of the process
14. Exchange relevant information with no group members
15. Make decisions by consensus
16. Conduct self-critiques

2. What is managing multiparty negotiation?

Three key stages that characterize multilateral negotiations.
·        The prenegotiation stage: Characterized by many informal contacts among the parties
·        The formal negotiation stage: Structures a group discussion to achieve an effective and endorsed result: The agreement phase
·        Parties select among the alternatives on the table

3. What are Differences between two-party and multiparty negotiations?
·        Number of parties
·        Informational and computational complexity
·        Social complexity
·        Procedural complexity
·        Strategic complexity

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